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Sunday, September 2, 2007

Lulu Titlescorer

Lulu Titlescorer: "Put your title to the test Want to know if you've got a killer title for your novel? Now, for the first time in literary history, you can put your title to the scientific test and find out whether it has what it takes for bestseller success. Are you brave enough to put your title to the test?"
Since I feel some of my titles truly suck rotten lemons, I found this page amusing and a little useful. So, I plugged in the working title to one of my books.
The title W****** D***** has a 69.0% chance of being a bestselling title!
Interesting. I suppose that depends on actually finishing the book.

The book I'm currently working on is tenuously named. I checked it out on lulu and this is what I got:
The title D******** T****** has a 79.6% chance of being a bestselling title!
Well, I supposed I'm not so bad at titles after all.

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