Just a quick note before you begin: If you are under 18, please move on to the next site. This blog and all it's contents were written by an adult, presumably for adults. Since I do not intend to censor my writing, whether it contains sex, violence, or gratuitous references to whatever other potentially offensive thing out there, I ask that you please enter with caution and your eyes wide open. Just in Case.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Eye of the Storm

They call us by many names. Elena. Hazel. Camille.

The fury in our arms is the beacon of death for those that steal the very marrow from our sea. Kill our children. Murder our parents. Pump the life from our beds.

When unleashed, our fury reigns complete. We walk on the water and onto your shores with the rage of the sky and sea around us. We take back what is ours, but we dare not stay long.

The earth kisses our feet, romances our bodies. Begs us to stay. Become like one of you.

(Inspired by a dream; which was in turn inspired by my mother's fantastic stories.)

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