Just a quick note before you begin: If you are under 18, please move on to the next site. This blog and all it's contents were written by an adult, presumably for adults. Since I do not intend to censor my writing, whether it contains sex, violence, or gratuitous references to whatever other potentially offensive thing out there, I ask that you please enter with caution and your eyes wide open. Just in Case.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Novel #2

Now that the first draft of the first book is done, the soft edits (spelling, etc) done, and the print ordered, I'm spending the week tweaking the rough outline and setting up a basic plot for #2. I already know the characters. They both starred as minors in the first book, and bringing them into the limelight for the second seems natural.

When I receive the rough draft from the printer (it was way too many pages to burn up my little Epson with) I will go back to the first book, with fresher eyes, and do the first edit.

You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. ~ Jack London

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